The Ruthless MakerFeb 84 min readRefinishing an old dresser with latex wall paint (DIY)I didn’t want to pay $700 for a new wood dresser so refinished a dresser already owned by painting it with latex wall paint.
The Ruthless MakerJun 6, 20213 min readThe Last Wall & Roof Design for the Play Fort - ORC Week 5This week we finished building the walls on the playfort, decided which type of siding to buy, paint color and roof design.
The Ruthless MakerMay 30, 20213 min readFraming the Walls of the Epic Play Fort - ORC Week 4To nail or not to nail, that is the question. This week we tackled framing the walls of the play fort.
The Ruthless MakerMay 23, 20212 min readEpic Play Fort Foundation cont'd - One Room Challenge - week 3Deck boards, joists and catepillars. That pretty much sums up this week. Quick recap, last week, I finished installing the four post...
The Ruthless MakerMay 8, 20213 min readOne Room Challenge Spring 2021 - Week 1Turning a backyard forest into an epic outdoor boy play zone complete with a play fort, sandbox, zipping and road.
The Ruthless MakerFeb 28, 20216 min readHow to Take Your Powder Room from Grunge to GlamorousA powder bathroom makeover for under $500. A fresh coat of paint, some trim and new fixtures can take a room from grunge to glamorous!
The Ruthless MakerFeb 28, 20215 min readWall Mounted Garage Storage Shelf DIYSince moving into our house in December 2019, our unfinished basement had been a dumping ground for all the storage bins we were too...
ruthtan6Nov 29, 20202 min readChristmas Urns... De-mystifyedChristmas greenery arrangements are a great way to dress up the outdoor entryway to your house or garage in the winter. It is also a...
ruthtan6Nov 28, 20202 min readReal Christmas Tree Shopping 101The countdown to Christmas is on, kicked off officially today with the purchase of our Christmas tree! Today, I took the older boys to...